Download Online App Box . COUNT DAYS, NAME DAYS
When you want to find out how many days there are between two dates, or find out how many working days there are before a specific day, you can use CountDays to get these information to count the days. It provides how many days, working days, weeks, months, and years between two days.


line count program

weeks days

name resolution

character count in acrobat

Company Directory (Dial-By-Name)

online character count





Count Days:


"Today" is a Greek Orthodox Calendar and screen saver that shows every day name days, events, detailed religious and historical information and lots of astronomical data. You can add your own dates, birthdays, countdowns, or print calendars. You can also sync with your contacts in Outlook & Windows Mail so you know when your friends have a name day, birthday or anniversary! The program also features a screen saver and desktop wallpaper creator that shows cool picture collages of your photos. Collages are created automatically using customizable parameters and can also be printed or used as a header on the printed calendars. The user interface is in English but to understand the holidays basic greek knowledge is required. The freeware version is installed in over 65,000 computers just in Greece. 

Today Greek Calendar:

Outlook NameDays:

Automatically adds the name days of all countries where this is celebrated, to your Outlook Calendar. Simply select the country for which you want to add the name days and the calendar you want to add it to. 365 whole day appointments will be created in your Outlook Calendar. Of course you can synchronize these with your mobile phone etc. so that you can see the name days whereever you go. The supported name days are: Bulgarian, Czec, Finland, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Slovakian, Swedish and US-Canadian. Free download - nothing gets installed at all. Requires Outlook 2000 or later and Excel 2000 or later. 

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