Download Online App Box . NITYA YOGAS, CHAKRAS YOGAS
MB Free Astrology Nithya Yoga calculates your birth yoga or nitya yoga. “Yoga" means an "union" or "relationship" or angle between the longitudes of the sun and the moon. They are also known as Yoga Taras of Nakshatras (Birth Star). Yogas help in finding out the auspiciousness of the day. MB Free Astrology Nithya Yoga helps you find the ruling yoga at the time of your birth. As per Vedic astrology, it is the Yoga of a person which represents his characteristic traits, behavior and nature. In fact, the native's behavior, his power and skills are also represented by this particular aspect of Hindu astrology. This helps you understand your positive and negative traits, thus helping you improve your personality.


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MB Astrology Nithya Yoga:


MB Chakra Yoga is a simple software that attempts to correlate your under-active or overactive chakras with the corresponding yogasana and the procedure of how to do it. This software describes in detail the yogasanas and the chakras associated with your chakra result. Chakras are the 7 nerve centers along the spine, which balances our endocrine and central nervous system. These are the energy nodes all through the body liable for the state of our mind, body and soul. In Sanskrit, chakra means “wheel” that controls the flow of energy throughout the body. Chakras radiate energy of vibrations, because the former can be affected by the other individual’s mood. The vibrations of these energy levels are immense, so it’s required to control and balance all the chakras. It’s very much important that all Chakras are active in a balanced manner (the ideal state). Chakras can be under-active or over active. Balancing of all the chakras is essential for well being of an individual. ‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit term which means 'to unite'. What is being referred as the ‘Yoga’ in English, is more commonly known as ‘Asana’ in Sanskrit, which means different physical postures and poses. Yoga is one of the most ancient practices of meditation which helps you to keep yourself calm and your mind peaceful. 

MB Chakra Yoga:


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