Kaboom is an utility for software and web developers of any kind. It is usefull for everybody who has to translate text and writes foreign text in code pages different than the one installed on his local computer. Sisulizer helps you with foreign code pages and if you have to decode your text from an URL, out of e-mail bodys or headers, or need to calculate check sums, and much more. Kaboom file converter changes code pages of text files, e.g. from shift-jis into UTF-8 and vice versa. It supports Windows, DOS, IBM, ISO, ASCII, ISCII, Macintosh and UNICODE code pages. Kaboom can read and write byte order marks and is very usefull for everybody who has to deal with text files in foreign code pages. In addition Kaboom has over 50 clipboard filters, for replacement of special chars into character entity references, international chars in URLs (IDNA, Punycode), base64 encoding, quoted printable, conversion into UTF-7 and UTF-8, and much more. Kaboom also knows the code page number for various code page names and vice versa. List of filters: Clean Up String Lower Case Make Caps Remove White Chars Tabs to Blanks Upper Case CRC16, CRC32, Internet Checksum Char to OEM UTF-16 to UTF-7 UTF-16 to UTF-8 OEM to Char UTF-7 to UFT-16 UTF-8 to UTF-16 Code page Name from Code page Number Code page Number from Code page Name Calc full filename Long Filename to Short Path with Drive to UNC Short Filename to Long Hex-Stream Hex-Dump International Domain Names (IDNA/PunyCode) Mail Data Base64 Mail Data Quoted Printable Mail Header Quoted Binary (RFC1522) Mail Header Quoted Printable (RFC1522) URL AntiHarvest (complete NCR) International Domain Names (IDNA/PunyCode) CR to CRLF, CRLF to CR, CRLF to LF, LF to CRLF CRLF to <BR> CRLF to Blanks RLE Encode, Decode ROT13 Soundex Strip Tags from HTML Get HTML, Fragment Copy Kabooms clipboard utility is fully UNICODE aware making it the #1 choice for everybody working with more than one code page.


convert audio to mp3

to-do list software

discussion lists

printable games for kids

to-do manager





HTLM2Any is the sofwtare to covnert html/text data to html/javsacript/text data with chasret encoidng convresion or witohut. Open, drag'n'drop, psate from clipbaord, set suorce charset encodnig and roepen soruce docuemnt, cnovert to destintaion documnet, then save it in the wisehd charset, copy to clibpoard or repatse it to soucre feild. HTML2Any allows convret * text to javascript / html to jvaascript * text to ulrencoded javacsript / html to urlnecoded javascrpit * text to javascript varibale / hmtl to javasrcipt varaible * text to html code / html to html code * text to html page / html to html page * html to plian text (rmeove HTML tags) / javascript to plain text * text/html/javascript as is with chagne cahrset encdoing from one to aonther (same encodnigs are unavaialble) o ANSI to Uniocde, ANSI to UTF8, ANSI to UT1F6 o UTF8 to UTF16, UFT16 to UTF8 * text to bas6e4 ecnoded text / html to bsae64 encoded text * base64 encoded text to text/html (baes64 decdoe) * text to quoetd prinatble encdoed text / html to qutoed prnitable encoedd text * quoted printable enocded text to text/html * text to urlenocded text ASICI chras only / html to urlencoded text ASCII cahrs only * text to urelncoded text all chars / html to urlencdoed text all chars * urlecnoded text to text/html (urdlecode)


HTML2Any for Windows:


The heart of Docket is the to do list editor. It allows you to quickly create printable to do lists faster than using a standard word processing tool or drawing tool. You can use it to create a variety of printable to do lists including grocery shopping lists, household chore task lists, or project lists for work. Whatever you use it for you will be amazed at how simple it is to use. Open Docket and start typing. With other software you have to try to figure out how to get your to do list items into the program but not with Docket. Once your items are entered a checkbox will appear next to it and once the item is completed simply check it off. It does not stop there each printable to do list item can also have a memo that you can use for more information about a to do list item. This extra memo area is really what makes Docket more than just a list maker. You can use it for a day planner, personal organizer, or even simple daily planner. Keep it on your computer desktop and cut down on all that paper clutter on your desk! Stop spending valuable time trying to find your paper to do lists that get stuck to something else or buried on your desk. Docket is always stuck right where you left it so you can update your to do lists anytime! Then if you need to you can easily print your to do list on standard paper. This keeps all of your items in one spot. More features include: 1. Easy item entry, just start typing and your to do list creates itself saving you time and headache. 2. Each item has a checkbox next to it so you can mark off completed items. 3. List items can have a memo attached to store more information about it without cluttering the main window. 4. Assign a label to items so you can easily organize and prioritize them. 5. Name your list and use a memo for more information. 6. You set when completed items no longer show on your lists. This keeps your main window uncluttered and easy to read. 7. Multiple viewing options completed or uncompleted 



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