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Factorizer is a Windows program to find factors of numbers up to 2,147,483,646 and to find primes, pairs of primes and Palmen colors of numbers. Or in more detail, Factorizer may be used: (1) to get the prime decomposition of all numbers in a range of numbers, (2) to get all factors of a single number or all factors of all numbers in a range, (3) to find only the prime numbers in a range of numbers, (4) to find pairs of prime numbers (e.g. 107 and 109) in a certain range, (5) to count (without displaying) the prime numbers in a range of numbers, (6) to find Fermat and Mersenne primes less than 2,147,483,647, and (7) to find the Palmen color of a number or the colors of a range of numbers. In addition a "filter" condition may be set to allow examination of numbers with a constant offset from an arithmetical or a geometrical progression, e.g., just those numbers of the form 7*n - 12 or 10n + 2.


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A professional color matching software to help designers achieve greater levels of color harmony. Working with the color4design can help you to instantly pick colors, explore color harmony and obtain color schemes. FEATURES Let color4design help you with your design projects. Pick a color and watch color4design suggest a color scheme. Color Mixer Use the built-in Color Mixer to create a color scheme. You can choose your base color from RGB, CMYK or hexadecimal values and from that base color generate a color harmony scheme of six colors. Color Harmony From the base color selected, color4design generates a six color scheme. Various color formats RGB, CMYK and Hexadecimal Screen Color Picker Grab colors from anywhere on your screen with the built-in screen color picker. Always on top Due to color4design's compact layout, you can easily place it on top of other design applications to provide you with constant visual aid. History Want that perfect color you found minutes ago but just can't find it anymore? No problem, because color4design provides you with a history panel where you can browse through all the colors you used during the session. Save your work Save the schemes and history so you can recover a work session later. 

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