The Windows registry is a directory which stores settings and options. It contains information and settings for all the hardware, operating system software, most non-operating system software, users, preferences of the PC, etc. Whenever a user makes changes to Control Panel settings, file associations, system policies, or installed software, the changes are reflected and stored in the registry. The registry also provides a window into the operation of the kernel, exposing runtime information such as performance counters and currently active hardware. NT Registry Tweaker - free tool to manage your Windows registry. Speed up your system and Internet, tune Explorer, apply security policy. It is simply and useful... and no more:) Vista supported. Enjoy!


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NT Registry Tweaker:

NT Registry Tweaker for U3 flash drives:


Vista Tweaker is the first 100% free professional tool to Tweak and Optimize Windows Vista! The mus have Powertool with great features and over 60 tweaks that you can individually apply to tweak and optimize Windows Vista. This program is completely safe and optimizes your Windows Vista system without you having the need of having personal knowledge registry and system settings. Now 8 languages are supported and and already one of the most popular Tweaking and Optimizing Tools on the Internet. New features from previous version Languages The Vista Tweaker has a new language feature and supports now 8 languages. Languages supported are: English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch and Turkish. It has an add language feature so it’s easy to translate it into your own country language by editing the language XML file. More languages are expected to be released soon like Japanese, Chinese and Russian. Extra tweaks The new Vista Tweaker has over 10 tweaks extra. With already over 50 tweaks in the previous version of Vista Tweaker that makes the tool one of the most comprehensive and the first only 100% free professional tool to optimize and tweak Windows Vista on the market. Backup, import and restore The new backup and import and restore function makes it easy to save you registry settings and change them in an instant if you need to adjust you computer setting for certain purposes. It also easy to export or reset standard settings to multiple computers a must have feature for administrators. Support Vista Tweaker has extended his support. One of the most important extra’s is the new user guide that’s available online and will be updated on a regular bases. There is also the support forum on where you can ask questions to our moderators, report bugs and find other relevant information. 

Windows Vista Tweaker:

Easy Vista Manager:

With Easy Vista Manager you can take complete control of your Windows system with access to hundreds of powerful tweaks and hidden Registry settings. The simple and intuitive user interface enables rapid access to settings that affect the speed, security, efficiency, and convenience of your computer. 

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